Countdown to the NKOTB Cruise 2011

Friday, January 30, 2009

Weekend Fun!

Hey everyone, I just wanted to share with you my plans for the weekend. I am going to a New Kids party at my friend Stacey's house. Yay me! It won't be very big but so much fun nonetheless. We have a friend names Kristen who is having a birthday so Stacey was gracious enough to invite us and our kids over to her house for a little get together New Kids style. I'm taking my girls with me so they can hang out with Stacey's girls and Kristen's daughter too. I will post pictures when I get back. I'm so excited, I can't wait. The only way it could be any better is if Gerri, Janelle, and Vanessa were able to go with us. But, we will be thinking about you all while we party like the New Kids do! Can't wait!

I will talk to you all when I get back. Have a fabulous weekend!


The Miller 6 said...

awe have fun guys!! PARTY LIKE ROCKSTAR!!!
