Countdown to the NKOTB Cruise 2011

Monday, March 2, 2009

It's Spotlight Joey month!

Good morning Blockheads! I have been looking forward to the month of March since the beginning of 2009. This is spotlight Joey month. And for whatever reason, he just holds a very special place in my heart. The reasons I love him so much are more than just skin deep. Not only is he such an amazing performer and entertainer but his faith to his wife and his passion for his marriage is so special to me. Call me a romantic but I just find that such an attractive quality in a man. He's sexy, funny, and devoted and those are wonderful qualities.

This month is my 9 year wedding anniversary and I'm so excited about it. I feel the same way about my amazing hubby as Joey does about his wife! Maybe that's why he is so special to me!

Anyway, this month is special for a couple of other reasons too. Our good fellow stalker friend Janelle is having a birthday on the 18th (same day as my anniversary) and my birthday is also this month on the 28th!

It should be a super amazing month. My birthday/anniversary wish? For my hubby to get me tickets to the Winnipeg show on April 9th. Can't say it will happen, but hey, I can hope right?

Anyway, enjoy some of my most favorite pics of Hot Joey this month!